long time no posting hihi
How's your day?
well,I just remembered that I still have a blogspot.
dan juga udah lama ga ngepost. haha gila gila.
Mm...ya. Pertama, selama ini udah jarang ngepost karna gue disibukkan sama les-les dan tugas-tugas,juga perkuliahan.
Oh iya, gue baru aja lulus uan dan status masih cari-cari universitas.
Well,not bad tho. I just got acceptance at Prasmul,SGU and Unpar.
But,the thing is..... I still wanted UI/ITB. indeed.
hmm yaa semoga aja dapet yg terbaik :-)
dan ya, mungkin gue akan lebih jarang ngepost lagi. nggak tau sampe kapan.
hahahaha I really need like tons of luck and miracle to achieve my goals.
Well, see you later guys. Keep blogging (YY)
P.S: Baru nyadar aja ya, postingan waktu gue masih 1 sma,yang bahasa2 inggris ini. oke. bad vobab.totally! bad!!! Hahaha past is behind. Just keep moving forward!
- http://imnotabadass.tumblr.com