Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hi - Season, Wishlist, 2009!

Hello blogwalking...........
Lama banget yaaah gue nggak nge post baru huhu,yang gue sibuk ulangan2x remed2x
huuuuuh,rebek jadi pelajar!
Udahmana ntar 2009 masuk jam 6:30 lagi!!!!!
Okee hi - season ini gue menghabiskan liburan ke bali, belum sempet gue masukin dA tp mungkin kalo udah bisa dilihat di
deviantart gue

Ini diaa A few photosnya..

Okeee WISHLIST kali ini bener2 harus kepenuhi :
2. Lensa fish eye for eos 400d
3. POP 9
4. Macbook black yg mana aja ( I dont really need it,tp biasa aja haha )
5. Sony XPERIA
6. KTP,SIM, Kartu pemilu............. pasti dapet dooooong haha Im 17th this year

Semoga semua kekabul,AMIN..............

*) Masih ada loh lomo dalek green supersamplernya, kalo ada yang mau tau lebih jelas tanya2 lewat msn / skype gue aja ya ;)

Friday, December 5, 2008


Hey yaaaaa blogwalking,
thanks if you read this last entries....
I think I want to buy pop 9 or pentax waterproof (immediately).
So I decide to sell my lomo supersampler.
here it is.....

Please contact me for more info or if you are interested and want you buy it,please contact* me on msn,fb,or skype :


facebook,only search with keywords ; Ajeng Velma
(at the first page,and the very top of)

skype ; ajengpumpum

THANKYOU :----------------------)

*) for friendster,maybe I haven't open it yet.so Im sorry maybe both of you who send me a message through friendster,Maybe I'll late reply,so okay.. you'd better to ask me with leave your comment in this blog for more specific

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Mon(gki) - day

Mon(gki)-day = Monday
Okay,morning 5.30 am
My daddy woke me up in that morning,so I go to my closet and took my underwear and go to the bathroom.
Oke mulai pusing gue kalo pake bahasa inggris,haha
Terus kan gue emang masih yang ngantuk gitu,entah knapa yaaa gue jatoh aja gitu tiba2 (such as pingsan)
Tp gue sadar??? duh gimana dong pokoknya gitu deh
intinya gue tau gimana cara buka kunci pintu kamar mandi terus jalan menuju kamar gue,terus gue coba tengkurep kan tiduran gitu.
Gue sadar tuh gue bisa ngliat semuanya nggak kayak sebelumnya pas jatoh pertama itu gelap bgt gue nggak bisa liat apa2.
terus gue coba lagi bangkit kan dari tempat tidur,terus gue ke kamar mandi lagi,nyalain shower.
Disitu paling fatal bgt,gue jatoh tepat di tempat shower gue nggak bisa liat apa2 terus seketika itu jg showernya jatoh pas di kpala gue,gue kayak udah lumpuuuuh bgt pas itu cuman karna gue nggak mau kayak 'gini' terus gue usaha buat nyari pintu kmr mandi terus buka pintunya terus gue nangis.
Nyokap bokap kakak2 gue panik kan gue nangis,baju gue basah semua rambut gue juga,dan menurut orang2 rumah muka gue itu kayak orang mati pucaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat parah.
DAMN! I dont kno what's going on with me.
Okeee itu satu rumah itu saling debat kan secara mereka emang jarang di rumah jadi yaa emang agak jarang ketemu juga.
Hari itu jg gue dilarang masuk sama nyokap gue harus istirahat total2an,gue ganti baju gue ; gue makan nasi telor urak-arik + kornet ; teh anget ; abis itu gue tidur.

Bangun jam 9.20am
gue sms temen gue minta biar gue diabsenin sakit.
Terus udah kan itu ujan jg jadi yaaa gue slimutan dll deh, malemnya kejadian lagi.
Pas abis mau slesai beres2 buku,gue jatoh aja gitu dari tangga jadi gini kalo menurut yg melihat gue kayak gini:

"Gini jeng,loo tuh pingsan tp lo tuh sadar,lo tuh kayak ngejatohin diri lo sendiri pas di tangga jadi bukannya lo kepleset atau apa,tp yaa itu gue bilang.Kayak dikendaliin gitu tau nggak sih loo?"

Okeeeey dari situ gue mulai mikir iya jg,gue udah ngalamin kayak gini tuh 4x ( kmaren senin,sama akhir januari yg pas pak harto meninggal)
Duh entah deh gue knapa,tp yaa gitu kayak ada 'ngendaliin' gue.
Hh.......... smoga nggak berkepanjangan deh yaa -amin

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Silly Friday-Saturday

Oke jadi gini kronologisnya,kmaren jum'at itu pulang sekolah gue ke rumah temen gue kan,datya di gandaria duh terus sorenya gue dijemput nyokap karna bonyok minta ditemenin nonton eagle eye di pim.
Yaudah kan tuh nonton deh di pim,terus perihal nyokap juga pengen ke metro kan soalnya lagi BIG SALE.
Terus filmnya mulai jam stengah 7 kan terus selesai deh jam 9-an. Abis itu ketemu kakak pertama gue sama pacarnya kan. Udah deh tuh,bokap sama kakak nyari-nyari baju buat kerja apa lah ituu nggak ngerti gue atribut kerja gitu. meanwhile,gue sama pacarnya kaka gue ke lantai bawah nyari heels,duh yang bener aja.
Itu isinya semuanya tuh wanitaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa semua (Haha yaiyalah masak pria-pria sih?)
duh tapi beneran itu yang namanya bagian underwear,sama heels itu bagian palinglinglingling CROWDED!!
Gue mencar kan sama pacarnya kakak gue,gue muter2x nyari2x heels yang bagus yang mana,terus nggak lama nyokap nyusul ikutan juga hunting heels. udah ketemu kan tuh,yang bener aja belum ketemu nyokap akhirannya pas ketemu mau bayar di kassa,dia udah bawa 1tas penuh dengan 4dus pasang heels padahal gue aja belinya cuman 2pasang heels udah gitu dibawah Rp 200rb lagi kan (ckckck emang dasar ibuibu)
Abis itu belom puas tuh nyokap,akhirnya ke bagian tas2x si nyokap galau dan juga itu udah jam 11.15pm
(bisa bayangin lah betapa lamanya dan ramenya metro pim waktu itu)
sampe rumah jam 12.05 (udah ganti hari aja )
Oke bentar bentar,itu belom nyampe rumah.... baru di depan rumah.
Terus kan itu pulangnya misah kan,gue sama bonyok,kakak gue nganterin pulang pacarnya dulu.
Nah teruuuus nih,(sampe mana tadi?) oooh iyaiya duh ngaco bgt gue ngomong sendiri.
Okeoke,saling nanya kan tuh, "Kunci rumah siapa yang bawa?"
Yaudah deh 1jam45menit ketok2x pintu rumah walaupun gue bonyok kaka tau kalo nggak bakalan ada hasilnya juga haha,terus kata kakak gue " Yaudah ke kemang aja yok,daripada jadi fosil disini! "
(anjrit gue mikir males parah ke kemang,pasti rame huf)
Selama perjalanan gue juga sambil cari temen yang masih bangun,dari 10 orang yang gue sms,cuman 3 orang yang bales ; mantan ; gebetan ; mantangebetan.
Yaah udah deh,akhirnya ke kemang terus ke le codefin,tadinya mau di barcode cuman entah knapa jadi nggak mood.akhitnya ke Cafe excelso,nyampe situ tuh udah jam 2.00am dan masih sangaaat rame.
1jam kemudian mulai penat,terus juga udah mau tutup kan tuh
(tp oh la la masih buka aja gitu)
Yaudah deh akhirnya ke mobil,terus otw pulang.
Sampe rumah jam 3.40am nyoba telfon2x rumah,ketok2x rumah tapi yaa tetep aja NIHIL!
Akhirnya kita tidur di mobil,gue sama nyokap nggak bisa tidur karena bokap sama kakak gue ngorok.
Tapi lama-lama tidur juga,walaupun tidur-kebangun-tidur-kebangun...
Jam 4.30am baru deh telfon rumah,dan diangkat sama si iyem the house maid (sekeluarga tau kalo dia emang biasa bangun jam segitu)

"Yem,bukain pintu rumah!"

Finally nyampe juga di rumah,walaupun sempet ada banyak konflik antara nyokap dan iyem,dan resultnya yang menang siapa lagi kalo bukan si nyokap.Tanpa ganti baju,lepas jam,cuci muka kaki dkk.......
gue langsung tidur aja gitu di kasur.

Sabtunya,jam 1.45pm gue bangun!
hahahaha what a silly days???

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Akhirnyaaaa selesai juga UB 2,walaupun akhirnya nggak begitu bagus yaaa ampun hari terakhir
fisika TIK MULOK!
Udahmana fisikanya mumet banget lagi soal2nya,otak gue udah keburu pusing duluan,mentok2nya nyontek sana sini juga fuh fuh remed deh nih kayaknya.
Seenggaknya udah slesai UB,paling ntar berjuang lagi buat remed.
Smoga ada miracles datang terus semua ulangan gue tuntas semua nggak ada yang remed *sumpah ngayal parah yaaa ampun. (AMININ AJA DEH YAA, -AMIIIIIIIN)

fuh fuh

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hey folks......

Im on facebook now,too bad I forgot my fs email so Im back on facebook which it made by my brother.
Well,See you then!

Citta Triajeng'velma' Saraswati's Facebook profile



Friday, October 24, 2008

Grow up!

Thanks Goodness, Since Lebaran mommy told to me,
" Hey young lady, wake up! Breakfast is ready, come on honey! "

And all my family told me that I'm ready to become adults,
And remembering the tragedy ( Im trully wont wrote it! )
My-exboyfriend has taken with other girl, In that day my heart really broken in pieces..
I just can't believe it!
Secepat ituuuuuuu???
Okay then,my best cousin told me,

" Hey! Today is your new day, relax dong jeng! Don't be too serious, It wouldn't change you. Like Joker said,'Why So Serious??'. Let start for something new,new life,new habbit,new boyfriend maybe? Okay dear? "

She isn't the professional motivator,but I know what she said.
Then it works! Some of my friends told me that I've change evrything.
Like indonesian aphorism said, ' Masih banyak Ikan di laut '
So,Why so Serious?
Being Single more fun than a relationship,and if isn't it depends to yourself and your boy/girl-friend.

Here it is,My holiday Photos.Isn't good but well,it's good enough deng hehehe

Ready for snack?

Gotchaa! Its snake dear,isn't she beautiful?

love you guys,thanks for reading


P.S: More photo,please visit my deviantart.ty

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I need it!

Eiffel lego with the wedding couples uuuuuuu beli dimana yaaa??


Monday, October 13, 2008

The Playlist

Have you ever feel that someone who you love take you fly away in the highest place,then they'd let you down so you can fall from that highest place without some reasons??


Okay,then they try to assured you that they really love you so much and make you waiting for someone you love who ever let you down before.........................................
You kno? Its like 1000 weapons shoot you exactly in your heart
But not for me,Maybe this time I'd try to wait,be patient and what-else? maybe ikhlas...
I would wait him,evenits for 1000years.....

Here it is my sad playlist :

Ecoutez! - percayalah
East17 - each time
Boyz II men - On bended knee
Erri - Menangis untuk Tersenyum
Craig david - Dont love you no more ( Im sorry)
Dea Mirella - Takkan Terganti
Kahitna - Cinta Sendiri
Maliq & D'essentials - ..dan ketika
Maliq & D'essentials - Untiltled
Salena Jones - Lately
Soulvibe - Biarlah ( Hapuslah Cinta )
Glenn Fredly - Tega
V&S - Tanpa kamu
Dewa 19 - Pupus
Dewa 19 - Risalah hati
Jikustik - 1000tahun lamanya
Monita Idol - Kekasih Sejati

There's a lot of fish beyond the sea ko jeng

Thursday, September 25, 2008



Persuasion begins seven years after the heroine, Anne Elliot, has jilted her lover, Fredrick Wentworth, upon the request of a most beloved mother figure. Although at the time of the refusal the man seems an inadequate match, the tables are now turned: as in most Austen novels--the girl is poor, the boy is rich. To add insult to injury, Anne’s father is going bankrupt and must rent his house to none other than Fredrick’s sister and brother-in-law, bringing Anne and Fredrick in contact again. Through twists and turns of jealousy, romance, poetry, rumors and a serious head injury, Anne and Fredrick always find themselves in uncomfortable situations that brew up old feelings (that were probably never lost). As Jane Austen’s last completed novel, some critics dismiss it as her darkest; however, others see it as her most honest and universal. Whatever your opinion, the whole novel is worth reading just for the letter (correspondence) in chapter twenty-three: it will make you melt.--Submitted by Amber Bradshaw


So what are you waiting for?


P.S : Hey! Now Im single btw.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Love will travel...

Love will travel someday if they could,if they planned it....
I spend this sunday with browsing browsing something youtube-ing,myspace-ing,skype-ing,devart-ing...
Then my brother assume me to search zsa zsa zsu word which it part of rnrm's songs,and then I found it at wordpress.
Here it is..

The spark. The lightning bolt. Chemistry. Or in the words of the late and oh so great Carrie Bradshaw- the zsa zsa zsu. That indescriable, undeniable, perhaps purely physical connection between two people, that marks our friendships from our romances, our mild flirtations from our all out flings and our polite “Good night” from our one-night stands.

Where does it come from? What is it really? Somewhere, out there, in world of government sponsored, world leading, Oxbridge graduated scientific knowledge I’ve no doubt there are phyisological/ pyschological/ anatomical reasons and evidence for why this phenonmena occurs, something to pheromones and chromosomes and other words that mere mortals can only hope to spell and understand…

…but if I’m humbly honest, I don’t want to know the science behind it. It would be like one of those ‘the making of your favourite special effects dominated movie’ documentary when you realise that that particular actor didn’t really drown in the ice strewn Atlantic,but it all happened on little sound stage somewhere in deepest, darkest Shepherd’s Bush; or like having the world’s greatest magician explain and demystify the most mind boggling illusion: understanding it, entirely ruins the thing itself.

So its out there, this zsa zsa zsu. I’ve experienced it; fleetingly, wonderfully: across a beer soaked bar filled with cheap perfume and fake ids, on a rain filled, wine fuelled Belfast street corner, and that cliched place of a far away land with the sun rising on the beach.

I remember moments: the spellbinding sensation of kiss, one that didn’t need to promise more, but in itself, in that moment, made the world stop spinning or made it spin only for the two of us: I remember the way he felt(strong, solid, warm), smelled(of Farenheit aftershave) and tasted (Wriggley’s Spearmint) and all importantly- how he made me feel and it is here that, even all this time and life experience later, I loose the words…

The zsa zsa zsu alone, I’m told, will not sustain a relationship: something beyond the lustful or physical has to also connect (even through the glasses tinted by endless chick-flicks, a multitude of 80s love ballads and and over-exposure to literature, through which I see the world, I don’t believe it lasts forever), for that someone to be your Mr or Ms Right rather simply Right Now. Shared interests, compatibility in how you each view the world, mutual respect, affection, a shared sense of humour; certainly these things should help to sustain a relationship far beyond the limits awarded by the teenage heartbreaker of the memorable kiss.

But my question is this- if, as I’ve recently stumbled upon in the dating jungle, you find the shared interests, the compatibility, the respect, the affection: someone you can talk to for hours, someone who challenges your world view and opens you up all kinds of possibilities but there is, no matter how hard you try, how much you flirt, how many times he reaches out and caresses your hair with his fingers absolutely and utterly not even a glimspe of the zsa zsa zsu ,is the relationship worth pursuing? Should I add this fabulous, intelligent, witty man to a long list of unsuccessful boyfriend applicants? Or should I at the grand old age of 28, give up on the zsa zsa zsu and settle for the compatiblity I would be left with in the long term anyway?

And my answer- I want it, no more than that, I need the zsa zsa zsu: somewhere out there is, I hope, my spearmint tasting, soul altering, thunderbolt of scientific destiny: once kissed forever enchanted: I refuse to settle for less.

So what do you think?

What your responses you have?

Monday, September 15, 2008


This's why I always open my YouTube.
I always watched this video reklam
You've to see this!!

:3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Ohhh! F*ckin scientist class

P.S : I'll update more specify as soon as possible

Monday, August 25, 2008

Stressed out


I've break up with joshua,he left me..........

Friday, August 15, 2008


Woohoo! Today I went to the popular beauty care (salon maksudnya) near from my house..
I've got a terrible headchace and bad tendon reaction recently,so I decided to scrub my body.
After scrub,I went to the bathroom for take a shower,
Then I left the beauty care (salon),and I go home.
I haven't the headchace and bad tendon reaction again,
Wow! What a great day??

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Now,I can be more calm than before

Lemme show you the story,I haven't good time to wrote in this blog..
Cause I'm too excited this time,really :D
So click it

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sick of Thursday

Yeaaa today,I went with joshua to blitz megaplex at grand indonesia.We choose to watch kungfu panda.Cause we're waited this movie too long........
At 01.30pm we're in 10th auditorium.Then,around 03.00pm we're out to lunch.Cause joshua was very hungry................................... (This boy is very childish)
He said that he want to ate at pizza marzano.So we're going down to pizza marzano.In there,we ordered 2 glass of ice lemonade tea,Pizza english breakfast (medium),and fungilia maccaroni (Yeaah I dont know exactly what the name is,but as you see you can imagine it).
We dont have any much money,but I 've my daddy's mastercard.....
Cause,we're usually pay all of expensive food through this credit card.Then,we told the waiter that we've done and we wanted the bill.
Rp. 183.000.................
I thought that the price is cheap,so we left my credit card.
And you know what the waiter said???
The waiter said,that my mastercard doesn't working well...........
As you know,or maybe you dont....... We are so chill like there nothing happen with us.
I called my mom,I really want that she transfer her Rp 100.000 to my mandiri card.
I called my mom back,and she said that she has transfer those money.Meanwhile,Joshua bring my mandiri debitcard and he went to the ATM Center.But he only got Rp 150.000!!!
(Mandiri can't give a money if the ballance > Rp.60.000,and my last ballance is Rp 61.000)
So,I called my mom back to transfere the money again.In time,she was so angry with me.
We dont know what should we do,cause this card is the only hope!!
And my mom called me,and she said that she has transfer it (again)
Finally,we can pay it all.You know,in there.....the waiter are so busted!
We're so upset cause their act.Fiuh...... we're out from there at 5.15pm!
Behind the grand indonesia,we've saw some joki 3in1.Oh no! We forgot something!!!!
Jam segitu kan 3in1 udah berlaku,oh no...................
okay,we're turn around and search the joki.And we found it.
Oo....finally,I ask the joki how much the money he want.... And he said,"Up to you"
Okay well,then we going to majestik.You know its so far from there and traffic jam!!!
Oh gosh.................. today is a worst day ever!!!
Untill we've arrived near from 19 JHS,we stopped the car,we pay him,and he left us away...
And joshua said,"Aduuh jokinya baiiiik bangeeeeeeeeeeet............. itu kan jauh banget dari GI ke sini,kamu jg bayarnya cuman segitu lagi"
Iya sih gue cuman bayar 15ribu tp gue bilang "hatihati yah" tapi iya sih baiik banget emang.
Okay,Joshua never stopped talking about the joki.He was very proud of him
Then we're sharing story about today,and we would never did it again!
Joshua take me to my home at 7.00pm,he told all what he got today to his mom.
I promise,I would never ever to not bring any much money again!!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Boy

Its been a long time,I wouldn't write anything through this blog.So I'll share my daily words this time.

13th 2008

Wake up earlier,cause my x-boyfriend came to my house........
He said to me that he want to talk about something.Terus gue langsung aja gitu mandi cepet-cepet,terus pergi sama dia.
And finally.............................
Dia memberhentikan mobilnya,dia ngomongin semuanya perasaannya dia slama ini putus sama gue.
Hell no,he ask me for be his girlfriend (again)??!$#@^&*
I know how long time he waited me to be his girlfriend,I know how much he carried on me,
I know how much he loved me and worried about me........
I never have a boy like him,who wants to running away from home and parents..
But I'd must answer his question,so I answer "Yes I do"
Then he kiss me softly,and hold me tight..........
He said,"I'll never ever let you down,I'll never ever abuse you more........ cause I'd never felt have a girl like you who always patience on me.I love you effing much,jeng"
He never said it before,
haha well,I love you too josh :-)
And that night,we made a plan for saturday..
Our planning is go to bogor at morning..........
He said he want to pick me at 6.30am

Saturday,June 14th 2008

06.00 - I woke up,then I take a shower.... After that,I phone joshua to tell that I've already to go with him.And he said that he is want to take a shower and pick me up.
06.15 - I choose to sleep,while waiting joshua pick me up.........................
daan gue ketiduran sampai jam 8!
jam 8 gue kebangun gara-gara telfon rumah berbunyi,si nyokap telfon dan marahin gue dia kasihan sama joshua yang ternyata udah nungguin gue 2jam
Bisa kebayang lah jadi joshua gimana,ternyata jam segituan gitu joshua telfon ke rumah yang ngangkat pembantu gue (called : iyem).Joshua menanyakan gue dimana,dan lo tauuu apaa si iyem bilang????
"AJENGNYA BANGUN JAM 1!!! CEKREK " telfon langsung dimatikan.
Oke balik lagi ke jam 8,
gue panik gue langsung ambil tas nggak sarapan langsung liat diluar udah ada joshua.......
Gue minta2 maaf.................. tapi dia diem aja.
Pas di mobil nyokap gue telfon,"kamu tuh gimana sih?? kasian kan dia udah nungguin 2jam.tidur mulu!"..
Ohmygawtszz banget,nyokap marah2,pembantu gue ngegemesin banget lagi kan bilang kayak gitu ke joshua.
Di mobil,diem.................................
terus tibatiba dia ngomong...." Temen-temen aku udah nungguin kita 1jam-an.Kamu daritadi tidur yah?"
(Gue tau banget tuh sebenernya dia marah bgt sama gue)
Gue ga jawab,tapi gue cuman ngomong minta maaf. Terus joshua cuman diem aja tp bersuara "ckckck" gitu.
Gue liat ke jendela aja diem liatin jalanan,nggak ada topik -___________- ziing
Terus tiba-tiba lagi dia bilang,"Kamu kalo masih ngantuk tidur aja....."
(Gila nih cowok,nggak marah2 sama gue malah nyuruh gue tidur)
Gue jawab aja,"Enggaaak aku ga ngantuk"
Dan nggak lama lagi,mata gue keluar air gitu mau nangis kasian abisan jadi dia.Gue nyesel aja ketiduran gitu...
Nggak enak lah gila banget.Terus dia bilang pas udah di kesehatan gitu (di bintaro) dia bilang,
" Aku boleh pinjem duit nggak buat isi bensin? Tadi aku nungguin kamu tidur sampe 2jam-an tadinya mau pulang dulu ke rumah tapi bensin aku abis duluan."
Gue keluarin 50rb buat bensinnya,gue kasih abis itu gue balik lagi ke acara nangis gue.
Pas udah selesai isi bensin,terus nyampe tol gitu......
Dia tiba-tiba ngelus-ngelus kepala gue abis itu nyuruh gue ke badannya dia,dia bilang
"Jangan nangis dong yang...."
Tapi terus aja gue nangis nggak tau kenapa,nyesel aja gitu.
Gue minta maaf terus dia maafin gue....
Yaampun kenapa lo nggak marahin gue sih josh????
Terus gue ke rumahnya dia,untuk menjemput teman2nya karena emang mau ke bogor mau review tempat buat mereka mau kayak nginep gitu deh di villa.Kita berangkat itu jam 9an.Udah kan tuh lewat mana gue lupa,tiba-tiba kayak nyasar gitu..
Dari yang penuh dengan angkot2 taxi2 gitu,terus kita belok ke jalan yang rusaaaaaaaaaak paraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!
Keluar-keluar udah jaman arkhaikum gitu nggak ada kehidupan sumpah kanan kiri pohon,kadang-kadang sawah.
Anjrit banget kan.......
Sekitar 45menitan gitu jalan,tiba-tiba ketemu kayak ada something warung gitu nanya deh ke jalan yang bener gitu.Dan ternyata itu emang jauh banget kan,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!
Gue bingung tuh udahmana radionya nggak dapet sinyal lagi,mau msnan juga xl gue susah dapet sinyal.
Tapi seenggaknya berkembang deh,yang tadinya ketemu jaman arkhaikum tiba-tiba udah jaman Mesolithikum hahahaha nggak lama kita menemukan orang gila cowok TELANJANG!!!!
Omg...... how sinting dia?????
Okeoke enough!
Balik ke perjalanan gue sama joshua dkk,terus tibatiba bensinnya joshua udah kedap-kedip gitu kan yaoli bensinnya udah tinggal 1strip aja gitu.Kita mencari bensin eceran sambil nyari cemilan juga.Hah............
dapet deh akhirnya.
Udah kan tuh yah,itu beneran deh jalannya muter2 udah bukan jakarta deh.
Bingung ngomong tempatnya dimana aja juga nggak jelas,kanan kiri semuanya sama.
Tapi udah nyampe mana gitu yah,tibatiba tepat di depan gue ada mobil bagus deh....
Gue mikir di desa ada juga yah mobil bagus dan ternyata mobil itu toyota fortuner.Semobil itu udah seneng banget dari yg jamannya masih kayak Mesolithikum gitu kita ngayal2 disini tuh sinyalnya yang jelas cuman ceria dewi persik doang m3 xl dkk kalah deh.hahahaha tapi seenggaknya gitu udah 3stengah jam-an nyasar ada perkembangan ketemu toyota fortuner eh akhirnya juga kita ngeliat kayak ada wartel gitu distro2 gitu haduuuuh bener-bener keluar dari desa orang desa banget!!!!! (Poor we,poor)
Nyampe daerah situ aja tuh jam 1an.duh parah banget yaaah...
Disitu kita udah jaman perundagian udah banyak angkot2 gitu kaan,huff...............
Nggak lama ketemu deh tuh tempatnya ternyata di gunung salak gitu kan,Tapi dari jaman perundagian gitu gue tidur (KEBO PARAH GUE!) kan jadi gue nggak tau lagi tuh gimana keadaannya tibatiba pas udah nyampe tempatnya berkabut aja gitu.Nggak tau tuh di lapisan atmosfer yang mana pokoknya bener-bener kabutbutbutbutbut!
Hhh.................... terusterus kita mencoba untuk menjadi anak desa hahah cibak2 di airterjun gitu hahaha betapa desanya.Tp nggak lama hujan,jadi langsung aja kita me-review villanya gitu,aduh gue nggak ngerti deh kalo yang villa2 gitu.Abis itu baliknya sekitar jam 4an gitu kan,nyari-nyari jalan gitu soalnya kita mau lewat tol.Hell no,joshua nggak bawa kacamata dia kan kayak rabun senja gitu kan dia nggak bisa liat kalo malem2 gitu.Tp akhirnya dia minjem kacamata temen gue,padahal kacamatanya min 3 ko si joshua bisa nggak pusing ya?
padahal dia kan minus 1 doang.hahaha yasudah..........
dandandandan.............................. gue sama joshua baru menyadari kalo kita lapar tadinya udah planning banget tuh ke sushi underground kemang atoga ke sushitei sency tp karena waktunya juga udah kepepet banget baru nyampe jakarta aja jam stengah7an jadi kita ke PIM (argh sebenernya terpaksa banget tuch)
tp kita mengendap sebentar di kansup hahaha dan dibayarin sama temen gue yg 'atm berjalan' gicu.fiuh............
jam stengah9an gue balik deh.
Capeeeeeeeeeek bangeeet :-(
Otherwise,Im very proud have a boy like him.Gue tau dia itu capek banget sebenernya tapi tetep aja dia nggak ngeliatin capeknya itu ke gue,malah dia yang ngira gue capek banget.
How pretty he is??????????????????

Friday, May 23, 2008


Saman sebanyak 600 mahluk!!!!!
Probably I'd proud to be a participant this event
sounds like good or d'oh???
While Im practice saman,and now I'd just realized
it make me sick.
Sekarang jadi gejala dbd (duh sedihnyaaaaa)
damn aw! Perhaps,I've to study hard for last exam
Wish me luck.....................

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Better or Worst....

I have no idea Why I couldn't stop this habbit???
Better or worse,I've been trying to stop it.........
but it wouldn't happen..
The better is,Those photo I named it,
"Im not smoker,but Im lollypopper"
(Hahahah I know its fake,and why LOLLYPOPPER?? dummy! )
But the WORST,
People will named it,
"Oh yeaaaa,you're geez maa"
( zzzzz -________- )
And heaps of people who wont ever to smoke will named it,
"Hey idiot,isn't healthy"
( Baby,I knew that...... That's why I couldn't stop it )

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I need more sleeping pill....

cause I haven't sleep early,
and wake up at noon
Haven't much time for taking a rest
Or make a plan for photoshoot.
Being lazy at home,and playing computer
Sign in msn,but there was no cool-friends for chat
( Otherwise,I'd made my msn status busy lately )
Heey,this site made me laugh
[ click! ]
I know it worst to click it,
but It is fun haaa?!
Its totally crap shit fcuk asshole &*%@#$!?><

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Dont you know???

Im ill
penyakitnya gara
2 :
1. keracunan makanan (nggak elit)
2. Kebanyakan pikiran
3. Stresss zz
4. Jarang makan

As you see,these ill isn't cool right?
So,I should stop smoke and drinkin alcohol.
Cause It wouldn't help me while Im sick,although It'll kill me
ahahahahahahhahahaha zzz
And the doctor said,that all my food will be clean and halal
jadi gue harus pilih-pilih makanan ( aduh repot )
One more (horrible) things,My weight is about 38kilo so I've to gain it for about 4kilo - more

Saturday, May 3, 2008


Hh.... Now I couldn't can sleept < style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">sleepless
I didn't gave all my homework for all my teacher
I didn't get it all those teacher who gave me a bunch task
Well,I'd relaxaxing my head
So I choose to watched TARIX JABRIX on thursday with my bestfriends,aliya.
And today,I've watched IRON MAN with Joshua at blitz grand indonesia,
Those film are cool and interesting

Friday, May 2, 2008


Spell fuck!
Im very tired to the maxx zzzzzz
Saman melulululululuu!
Capek ibuuu!
Wuoooo made me stronger
made me higher
baby baby....
Tgl 4,6,11,19 ( + gladi kotor sama gladi bersih )
Itu harusrusrus latiaaan
Dari jam 9 sampe jam 3an lewat
Boroooooos nyeeeeeeeet
sinting juga nih.
Ah sudahlah mau bobok sudah capai juga nih

P.S : Im posted this while iyem gave me a body massage,and it feels soo
Uuuu cool maaa!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Heeeeeeeeeeeeeell NO! Today I didnt had trigonometri exams 10am,Im out of school for saman at gelora bung karno But this is more shitty shitttt assholeee, I've to saman practice EVRYDAY UNTILL MAY 20TH!
Im really shocked by that!
The event organizer said,That RI President will come to this event
For National kebangkitan day (hahaha nggak tau kebangkitan inggrisnya apa)
Wish me luck :---------)

Hey! My friend catch this photo on last saturday,And I'll like it so I'd retouched this photo and made it for my deviantID,you like it huh?
Common lets comment!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Trigonometri shit!

Do you believe?
That heaps of people arent got their math score well!

Oh yaa,I knew it
In my opinion,I do love math
But this,made me hate math
Cause my teacher had kick my ass *wkwkwkwk jk :P
For now,I really hate math!
Special for trigonometri!
It because,I didnt get it in my brain
And I've too lazy to study hard for this shitty!
Kenapa musti ada trigonometri?
Believe or not,now I'd trying hard to make it easy
( tuh di bold sama italic )
I'll submit my photo while I study hard for TRIGONOMETRI!

P.S : I dont know deh :-)